Stockholm, or Scandinavia's finest capital

Many are those who praise Stockholm as being the most beautiful capital of the northern countries, even of the world and we tend to agree... almost. Of course, we are being subjective here, but we also like to keep a certain balance in our description. We set off from Copenhagen with a low-cost flight and landed at one of the 3 airports that serve the city of Stockholm, evidently the smallest and the farthest one. Needless to say that the transport system is flawless and surgically precise so we got in the city relatively fast. We developed a certain routine when it comes to visiting large cities and a kind of space orientation so that a simple map is enough to find our way. We found our hostel, checked in, left our baggage and took-off again. It was already dark outside so things looked differently. We wandered through the narrow streets of the old town (Gamla Stan), stared at the many small shops with han...