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Poteca baciului- Ziua 2
A doua zi, la soare-rasare, se conturau orizonturile unei zile senine. Am deschis ochii devreme, vrand sa parcurgem ce ne-a mai ramas din creasta (vreo 16 km) si sa coboram pana in Dambovicioara. La iesirea din refugiu, rasaritul purpuriu, pe fondul unei linisti mormantale, si aerul tare si rece de munte ne-au incarcat cu energie si au inlaturat orice ramasita de somnolenta din corp. Cu putin timp inainte de ora 10 ajungeam pe Piscul Baciului (La Om- 2238 m). Spre deosebire de urcarea precedenta cand varful ne-a intampinat cu vant puternic si ceata deasa, anul acesta am putut admira zarile celor patru puncte cardinale. De La Om am coborat lin pana in Saua Grindului si de acolo am continuat spre creasta sudica, partea de traseu necunoscuta noua. De aici creasta devine tot mai ingusta iar versantii periculos de abrupti insa cararea este strajuita de palcuri de garofite si flori de colt. In jur de ora 14 ...
Iceland- the country of fire and ice
Surrounded by the Atlantic, partially covered with ice, crested by deep valleys, strong waterfalls, Iceland is the tip of the sword above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. A vast land of incredible natural diversity, from the snow covered peaks in the center to the endless black-sand beaches that struggle vigorously with the Atlantic waves. It is the place where ice and fire coexist, giving a unique landscape where glaciers form on top of volcanoes, lava springs out from under the ice, mud boils at the surface and sulfur-rich waters heal any wound. Father time and mother Earth have been both generous and cruel with these lands. The beauty and wealth found here is only equaled by the numerous natural disasters that have crippled the country's forest surface to almost nothing and decimated the population throughout history. Any geologist would easily agree that Iceland is more than fascinating. Speaking from personal experience and knowledge, Iceland is definitely one of the best places to...
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