
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2013

Armonii pe note de vara


Friends across the sea

Last time  we were in  Göteborg  we spent lovely moments with people whose friendship means more to us than just simple words. Lars-Åke and Marja, whom Andreea met 3 years ago and 2500 km away, in Greece, have become among the few people in our lives that inspire others with their own stories and life experiences. A sturdy life of travelling, working and enjoying simple and yet meaningful moments have proven to us that the life in ones years is more precious than the other way around.   This time we spent two days in their home, we took a guided tour through the city of  Göteborg  and prepared dinner seasoned with sweet and spicy stories. There are moments when it is no need to be aware of how fast time is passing by and try to create as many good and wonderful memories as possible because in the end, we are but a handful of memories that show who we were and what we have become throughout the years. Fueled with ambitions a...

Biciclind la malul marii- versiunea Summer Breeze

Sunt zile frumoase acestea, de la inceput de vara. Zile cu soare ale carui raze iti mangaie chipul si trezesc copilul din tine, zile cu cer senin, albastru azuriu, cu nori razleti ce se aseaza dupa bunul plac la orizont si zile cu brize racoritoare, nu prea intense sa te vlaguiasca dar nici absente ca sa le simti lipsa. In acest scenariu ludic ne-am insinuat ca personaje secundare, dorind cu tot dinadinsul sa ne jucam cu soarele, sa asezam norii pe cer dupa propria vrere si sa ne lasam purtati de vanturi spre destinatii necunoscute. La orele 11 ale diminetii am plecat la drum, mai intai biciclind pana in Birkerød (aprox. 6 km) apoi cu trenul pana in Hillerød, de unde incepea efectiv traseul nostru. Cu directia nord, pe o vreme mai putin incantatoare dar cu perspective de indreptare, am inceput o excursie ce avea sa fie si spargatoare de recorduri. Traseul GPS il puteti viziona aici . Primul oras ce urma a fi strabatut era Gilleleje. Oras mic, portuar, unde pescarusii ...